Tony Terry & Ricky Dillard gets HONORED this Black Music Month!!
Celebrating its ninth year, Isaac M. Hamm III coined Black Music Month’s newest face of advocacy by mentor and co-founder of Black Music Month Ms. Dyana Williams. Isaac created The Comeback in 2010, where he had the idea to honor contributors in black music in Philadelphia for their hard work and dedication for the culture. With continued success The Comeback now calls Philadelphia, Atlanta and Nashville home during June’s Black Music Month!! Isaac continues to develop relationships and honors from city officials such as, several Citations from The City of Philadelphia which includes two from The Mayor of Philadelphia and a 2016 Proclamation from The City of Atlanta marking June 16th his day in Atlanta to celebrate Black Music. Since 2010 Isaac has honored over 35 contributors.
“The Comeback “Power Brunch ATL” a critically-acclaimed musical showcase and awards ceremony that is dedicated to preserving the legacies of Atlanta’s soul music artists. In addition to its key contributors, this will be an unforgettable evening, including some of Atlanta’s own biggest and brightest stars in black music. This tribute to black music will bring together both classic and current generations of singers. There will also be a panel discussion centered around topics in today’s music.