Local News
The Big Dreams Project Featuring Tawana Williams
By Brianna Boatswain
The Big Dreams Project : featuring Tawana Williams- “unarmed” – yet; powerful, dangerous, gifted, and most importantly – capable of giving hope. The hope coach, Tawana Williams is a traveling speaker who tells her story to the universe and, I can truly say her story is life-changing..
Can you imagine being born, unarmed? Can you imagine being told you will not live pass the age of two years old? Can you imagine being gang raped? Can you imagine suffering from substance abuse addictions? Can you imagine being told you will never give birth?
Can you? Can you, really imagine living a life being told these horrific statistics concerning your life and then, life consisting of so much pain and complications?
Well, this was Tawana Williams’ life and predictions growing up. Now, she is conquering life – she’s pure and clean of all of her addictions; 55 years old; with a child and grandchild, she changed her own child’s diaper (unarmed)- and, I was a witness to this- due to Mrs. Williams providing a live example of herself changing a diaper on a doll, unarmed – during her hope speech. Additionally, the gifted and magical Tawana Williams is a painter. I am sure some of you may be thinking- how do you paint unarmed- without arms? Well, Tawana Williams paints with other body parts and creates masterpieces. She displayed some of the paintings she did, unarmed. I was blown away like the leaves in the wind.
“How, where, and when did Tawana Williams get the motivation to learn to do for herself, although she was born without arms”? Well, she told us…..
When she was young, she use to ask her sisters for help using the bathroom, due to being unarmed. However, one day- a simple “NO!” from her sister gave her the will power to try on her own, she achieved.
Listening to Tawana Williams “WOKE ME UP” – I realized that, I needed to stop making excuses, I came to the realization- that, I needed to rise up. Furthermore, I now understand that, there are people in the world facing more struggles than I am- so, it is time- that I be grateful for what I have. Listening to Tawana Williams- the hope coach, gave me hope, gave me a bigger vision, gave me victory.
My people, seek more life- and, if you have a gift- use it. If you have a talent, show it off. Time is always ticking- stay ahead of it- stay motivated, stay inspired, and- never give up in life.
For more information, follow : The Big Dreams Project on instagram – @thebigdreamsproject