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ERYVE Set to Debut All-New Black-Owned, Innovative Rideshare App Bringing The Power To The People
It’s time to revolutionize rideshare and put money back into the driver’s pockets
(Atlanta – May 2023) There’s a new kid on the block in the rideshare game. Black-Owned rideshare app, ERYVE, has arrived with a goal of “Revolutionizing Rideshare”. ERYVE has arrived with affordable rides, where riders will be notified every step of the way and with plenty of options on how you would like to ERYVE at your destination. ERYVE also offers great incentive benefits for their drivers including, dibs on profits, choice of location to drive, and low start up costs to get started. The official spokesperson for ERYVE, had this to say about the new rideshare company,
“We are here to Revolutionize Rideshare and put the power in the hands of our driver/rider commUNITY.” – Sinsear (Official Spokesman for ERYVE)
ERYVE is based in Atlanta, but serves the entire state of Georgia. Another perk that makes ERYVE different from other rideshare companies is every passenger gets their own driver and gets a separate pickup. Riders will never have to worry about sharing their ride with other passengers. ERYVE is also keen on empowering their drivers to become their own bosses.
“ERYVE Rideshare is about Change. We put the Power back in the driver’s hand’s for them to make money for their families. This company is owned by the driver’s. Please support our drivers. It’s time to revolutionize rideshare and put money back into the driver’s pockets.” – Carlos Lovejoy (Founder and Owner of ERYVE)
ERYVE is proving themselves as a true revolutionary rideshare app and are looking for drivers with at least +20 years of driving experience who can enlighten and educate others on the road ahead.
Carlos Lovejoy founded ERYVE in 2022 on the heels of the pandemic. ERYVE was created to plug a hole in the market that speaks directly to commUNITY. We will be the go-to rideshare experience starting in the city that moves culture.
Learn more at: https://www.eryve.com/