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Gospel Billboard Chart-topper Otis Kemp Talks New Album “Meet Me in Miami,” Collaborations, and Musical Journey


Gospel Billboard Chart-topper Otis Kemp Talks New Album “Meet Me in Miami,” Collaborations, and Musical Journey

Gospel chart-topper Otis Kemp has captivated audiences once again with the release of his highly anticipated album “Meet Me in Miami,” available now as of June 14th.

In this exclusive interview, Kemp discusses his new album. exciting collaborations, and his inspiring musical journey.

INDAHOUSE: Otis, congratulations on the release of your new album, “Meet Me in Miami.” How does it feel to have your music out in the world again?

Otis Kemp: Thank you! It feels amazing. “Meet Me in Miami” is very close to my heart, and I’m thrilled to share it with my fans. It’s a celebration of life, faith, and the beautiful culture of my hometown, Miami. I can’t wait for everyone to experience the journey through the album.

INDAHOUSE: Your previous single, “Daily Bread,” was a massive success, reaching #1 on the Billboard Gospel Airplay Chart. How did that achievement impact your approach to this new album?

Otis Kemp: “Daily Bread” was a blessing and an incredible milestone. It showed me that people connect with my music on a deep level. With “Meet Me in Miami,” I wanted to build on that connection and deliver an album that resonates with even more people. Each track tells a story of hope, resilience, and God’s love, and I believe it’s a significant step forward in my musical journey.

INDAHOUSE: You mentioned that the album celebrates the culture of your hometown. How has growing up in South Florida influenced your music?

Otis Kemp: South Florida has a unique, vibrant culture that has always been a part of me. From the rhythms of the streets to the flavors of Bahamian influences, it’s all in my music. Growing up as a preacher’s kid and singing in a family group also shaped my musical foundation. Miami’s diversity and energy are reflected in the sound and soul of this album.

INDAHOUSE: You’ve had experiences in the hip-hop industry, writing for artists like Rick Ross and Flo Rida. How did those experiences shape your Gospel music career?

Otis Kemp: Writing for artists like Rick Ross and Flo Rida was a great learning experience. It taught me a lot about the music industry and helped me hone my songwriting skills. However, Gospel music has always been my true calling. Those experiences in hip-hop gave me a unique perspective and helped me infuse my Gospel music with fresh, contemporary sounds while staying true to my message of faith.

INDAHOUSE: The album features collaborations with artists like Lena Byrd Miles, Jason Clayborn, and Brisco. How did these collaborations come about, and what was it like working with them?

Otis Kemp: Collaborating with Lena Byrd Miles, Jason Clayborn, and Brisco was an incredible experience. Each artist brought their own unique flavor to the album, and our creative energies just clicked. We all share a passion for music that inspires and uplifts, and that synergy is evident in tracks like “Everything,” “Celebrate,” and “Blessings.” I’m grateful for their contributions to the album.

INDAHOUSE: What do you hope listeners take away from “Meet Me in Miami”?

Otis Kemp: I hope listeners find hope, inspiration, and a deeper connection to their faith through this album. Each song is a testament to the power of God’s love and the resilience of the human spirit. Whether you’re facing challenges or celebrating victories, I want my music to be a source of strength and encouragement. “Meet Me in Miami” is more than just an album; it’s a journey of faith and love.

INDAHOUSE: Finally, what’s next for Otis Kemp? Any upcoming projects or performances we should look out for?

Otis Kemp: I’m excited about the future and have a lot of plans in the works. I’m looking forward to touring and bringing “Meet Me in Miami” to live audiences. There are also some exciting collaborations and projects on the horizon. Stay tuned and follow me on Instagram @iamotiskemp for all the latest updates. Thank you for the support and love!

You can follow Otis Kemp on his social media at:

Instagram @iamotiskemp

Celebrity photographer and disabled Vietnam veteran Jerome Dorn embodies the very definition of resilience. Born in Philadelphia, the fifth of seven children, Dorn stayed focused throughout his youth, eventually obtaining his degree in Criminal Justice. Dorn has worked with the Philadelphia Police Department, Department of Justice, World Wide Detective Agency, and several other high profile security groups. Throughout his successful career, Dorn wrestled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, an aftereffect of his military service. Battling the pain and debilitating effect of PTSD, Dorn found comfort behind the camera. Photography proved to be not only therapeutic, but life changing as well. Dorn picked up his first camera in 1970 while serving in Vietnam and knew instantly that behind the lens was where he belonged. His shooting style and photographs were special, generating a buzz in the industry. In 1985, he began his career in photojournalism, working in a variety of genres. Dorn’s credentials include fashion, lifestyle photography, photojournalism, and celebrity/red carpet coverage. Working with MSNBC, Jet Magazine, and major publications in Philadelphia and around the country, Dorn has had the honor of capturing the images of hundreds of notable celebrities and politicians including President Barack Obama, George Bush Jr, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Maya Angelou, Jesse Jackson, Rihanna, Snoop Dog, Will Smith, and Tyler Perry. Photography has sent Dorn around the globe, inspiring his passion for civil activism. In 1995, Dorn assembled and led a group of forty-two men to the Million Man March. Together, they spent five days walking from Philadelphia to Washington DC. In his travels, Dorn observed a common theme amongst the youth of the world. Many of the children he encountered seemed lost. Understanding that opportunities for at-risk youth are minimal, Dorn was inspired to make a difference. Established by Dorn in 2011, InDaHouseMedia was built on the idea that there is room in the house for everyone. With InDaHouseMedia, Dorn’s mission is to provide the future generation with positive direction through sports, music, and photography.

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