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White House Celebrates Pride Month with Festive Event and Announcements

InDaHouseMedia Photo by Dr. JEROME DORN

Headline News

White House Celebrates Pride Month with Festive Event and Announcements

Yesterday evening, First Lady Jill Biden hosted a vibrant Pride Month celebration on the South Lawn of the White House. The event highlighted the significant contributions of the LGBTQI+ community and underscored the Biden Administration’s dedication to supporting and uplifting LGBTQI+ families.

The festivities began at 6:00 PM, with the First Lady delivering heartfelt remarks to the gathered guests. Among the highlights of the evening were a captivating performance by award-winning singer and actress Deborah Cox and musical selections by DJ Trife, which added to the celebratory atmosphere.

The speaking program featured addresses from Ashley Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, who both spoke passionately about the importance of equality and inclusion. The First Lady emphasized the administration’s ongoing commitment to advancing LGBTQI+ rights and recognized the progress made since President Biden took office.

Since the beginning of his tenure, President Biden has taken historic actions to promote equality for the LGBTQI+ community. Key accomplishments include:

  • Signing the Respect for Marriage Act, safeguarding the marriages of same-sex and interracial couples.
  • Ending the ban on transgender Americans serving in the United States military.
  • Issuing Executive Orders to enhance civil rights protections in housing, employment, health care, education, and the justice system.
  • Developing a national strategy to end the HIV epidemic in the United States.
  • Abolishing the discriminatory practice of banning gay and bisexual men from donating blood.

In a significant move announced during the celebration, President Biden granted clemency to LGBTQI+ former service members who had been forced out of the military due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.

This year’s Pride Month celebration coincided with Equality Day, marking the anniversary of three landmark Supreme Court cases that affirmed the right of every American to marry the person they love. The event not only celebrated these legal victories but also reinforced the Biden-Harris Administration’s unwavering commitment to equality and justice for all.

Celebrity photographer and disabled Vietnam veteran Jerome Dorn embodies the very definition of resilience. Born in Philadelphia, the fifth of seven children, Dorn stayed focused throughout his youth, eventually obtaining his degree in Criminal Justice. Dorn has worked with the Philadelphia Police Department, Department of Justice, World Wide Detective Agency, and several other high profile security groups. Throughout his successful career, Dorn wrestled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, an aftereffect of his military service. Battling the pain and debilitating effect of PTSD, Dorn found comfort behind the camera. Photography proved to be not only therapeutic, but life changing as well. Dorn picked up his first camera in 1970 while serving in Vietnam and knew instantly that behind the lens was where he belonged. His shooting style and photographs were special, generating a buzz in the industry. In 1985, he began his career in photojournalism, working in a variety of genres. Dorn’s credentials include fashion, lifestyle photography, photojournalism, and celebrity/red carpet coverage. Working with MSNBC, Jet Magazine, and major publications in Philadelphia and around the country, Dorn has had the honor of capturing the images of hundreds of notable celebrities and politicians including President Barack Obama, George Bush Jr, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Maya Angelou, Jesse Jackson, Rihanna, Snoop Dog, Will Smith, and Tyler Perry. Photography has sent Dorn around the globe, inspiring his passion for civil activism. In 1995, Dorn assembled and led a group of forty-two men to the Million Man March. Together, they spent five days walking from Philadelphia to Washington DC. In his travels, Dorn observed a common theme amongst the youth of the world. Many of the children he encountered seemed lost. Understanding that opportunities for at-risk youth are minimal, Dorn was inspired to make a difference. Established by Dorn in 2011, InDaHouseMedia was built on the idea that there is room in the house for everyone. With InDaHouseMedia, Dorn’s mission is to provide the future generation with positive direction through sports, music, and photography.

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