She Speaks Live Town Hall Panel
By Brianna Boatswain
From The Bottom Up Foundation presented the extravagant- “She Speaks Live” event on March 1st and 2nd of 2019.
This informative and entertaining occasion, consisted of a two day town hall discussion concerning the state of women of color in America.
Both days, provided those in attendance with a vibrant and deep setting.
The intriguing and phenomenal – Nicci-Gilbert Daniels, Angela Stanton, Chanita Foster, Sheri Riley, Angie Stone, April Love, Christine Beatty, Algebra Blessett, Christina Johnson, Debra “Deb” Antney, Shanti Das, and Brandi Davis stood tall, and- provided the audience and attendees with powerful stories and education concerning : politics, super woman syndrome, mental health, prison reform and sexual assault on a powerful discussion panel.
The way to describe this function – would be, eye-opening.
The “She Speaks Live” panelist and, the event in its entirety- allowed those in the audience and listening to gain a sense of liberty and freedom.
Imagine….hearing a story that you can relate to; a story that you share or have similarities to; and – witnessing strong individuals- who have also lived a similar lifestyle or storyline as yourself- speak out, bravely…….it was overwhelmingly astonishing.
If you entered the doors during the “She Speaks Live” event feeling empty, hearing a variety of powerful stories concerning men and women of color – such as 1. Getting out of prison as a black woman and making a successful turnaround in life , 2. Being aware of sexual assault and abuse within the younger population (children), 3. Knowing how to build your own doors up – instead of counting on others to build them for you, 4. The importance of having the “Birds and Bees” talk with your children, 5. Being aware of mental health issues and being brave enough to get the help needed to overcome, 6. Recognizing what the new laws are doing to the current state of the country, 7. And, consistent words of wisdom about overcoming life battles-
I truly will say, it felt like I was in a Black History Class with a hence of peace by the Mississippi River, while at this event – and, in tune with the powerful stories that were shared; and, you know the saying – knowledge is power – and peace is the ultimate goal in life.
This event was sponsored by V-103 The People’s Station, Shea Moisture, and 1380 News and Talk WAOK – The Voice Of The Community.