10th Annual Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2023 MUHAMMAD ALI CENTER 144 North Sixth Street | Louisville, Kentucky 402026:00PM to 9:30PM
The Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards is the Center’s largest annual fundraiser and incorporates two categories: Seasoned Awards, honoring individuals who have dedicated a significant portion of their lives to humanitarianism, and Six Core Principles Awards, presented to young adults 30 years of age or younger.
Meet two of this year’s awardees:
Daniel Lubetzky: Lubetzky, a social entrepreneur best known as the Founder of KIND Snacks, will receive the first-ever Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award for Civility & Compassion, for his commitment to building businesses and civic movements that empower people to solve problems together across perceived divides.
Pashtana Duranni: Durrani, 25, will receive the Conviction Award for her courageous work as founder of LEARN Afghanistan to educate girls and women in the country. Durrani has educated 7,000 girls and boys in Kandahar and trained more than 80 teachers in digital literacy. She was previously honored by the Malala Fund and among the BBC 100 and Time 100 influence lists.
This year’s awards will highlight four seasoned awardees, as well as six young adults earning Core Principle Awards, including our first Core Principle Awardee from Kentucky.
More information on all awardees can be found here.
Spaces are limited! Reserve your seat or sponsor a table at this year’s event on our website today.